

Prof. Joshua Weitz, Prof. James C. Gumbart, and the members of the 2021 QBioS Ph.D. cohort (Benjamin Seleb, Cassie Shriver, Christopher Zhang, Ellen Liu, Emma Bingham, Siya Xie, and Zachary Mobille), and 2021 InQuBATE Cohort (Gabriella Chebli, Maxfield Comstock).

Plenary Lecturers

Prof. Ido Golding, Physics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Dr. Adriana Lucia-Sanz, School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology


NOTE: The schedule below is approximate and subject to change!

Wednesday, May 11

9:00 Check in
9:30 Welcome and introduction (organizers)
10:00 Lecture on Stochastic Gene expression (Dr. Adriana Lucia-Sanz)
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Introduction to stochastic programming
2:30 Break
4:00 Wrap up Day 1

Thursday, May 12

9:30 Social + breakfast
10:00 Plenary talk: Randomness and Hidden Variables in the Living Cell (Prof. Ido Golding)
11:15 Modeling I: Scaffolding the Gillespie algorithm
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Modeling II: Solving stochastic problems
3:30 Break
4:30 Closing remarks and gift giving